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22:00 Uhr

Groove Affairs #2

Groove Affairs #2
"Groove Affaîrs Session #2"

* Groove Affaîrs plural : musical relationship, public or personal, passionate attachment or Liaisons between two or more people with music

* Groove Affaîrs is about connecting people, get in touch with the music, creating vibes, free your mind

Let's Celebrate Me, Hector Luis Romero!!!

Turning 35 but still feel like a Kid in a Man's Body #BIG
put your dance shoes on, grab your Friends!!!the more, the merrier

Support from a Special Guest....Love him like a Brother from another Mother

mit dabei:
Hector Luis Romero
FB: https://www.facebook.com/hector.l.romero.3?fref=ts

Dominik Massaro
FB: https://www.facebook.com/DominikMassaroOfficial/
Niddastrasse 54, 60329 Frankfurt